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Are YOU a Cenus Wizard? 

Take the quiz to test your knowledge

and see what your score means below.

20 Points

Census wizard

100% Correct! You’re a Census Wizard, and ready to spread the word about the importance of the Census to others. Continue to encourage your friends and family to complete the 2020 Census, and don’t forget to complete the questionnaire for yourself. As you know, everyone counts!

12-19 Points 

census fact finder

Great Job! You’re a Census Fact Finder, and answered more than half of the questions correctly.  Continue educating yourself about the Census and you’ll be a Census Wizard soon. Remember all should be counted, so please complete your 2020 Census today! 

0-11 Points 

Emerging census leader

You’re interested in the Census, and an Emerging Census Leader. Finding the facts is important, so go to for more information. Then try taking the quiz again.  Remember do your 2020 Census today!
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